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Contacts of the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas

Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth
of the Slovak Republic

Centre for Recognition of Diplomas (CRD)

Head of Centre: Mgr. Bc. Alena Krajčíková

CRD is the organizational part of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic and the national authority for revognition of education and professional qualifications obtained abroad. It also fulfils the tasks of:

  • National Assistance Centre for regulated professions in Slovakia (NACPQ)
  • National Academic Recognition Information Centre in Slovakia (ENIC/NARIC)

Activities of CRD

  • recognition of professional qualifications for regulated professions in Slovakia
  • academic recognition for further studies in Slovakia (recognition of the level of attained higher education)
  • assessment of equivalence of ongoing studies abroad for authorities in Slovakia
  • validation of Slovak public documents issued in education fiels for the purposes of foreign authorities (apostille, legalization)

We ask you to kindly contact us only with questions related to our activities.

Application submission

Applications for CRD services are accepted by post to the mail address below or electronically via the Central Public Administration Portal, or in the registry room of the Ministry. Email application submission is not available (only email consultations are offered).

Mail address

We ask you to kindly send all the mail to the contact address below. Personal application submission (or delivery by courier) is available at the registry room on the address:

Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic
Centre for Recognition of Diplomas
Černyševského 50
851 01  Bratislava
(office hours and contacts of the registry room)

No eKolok fees can be paid and no consultations are offered at the registry room, you are expected to bring the application complete and ready for submission. If necessary, please consult your application beforehand, by the means described below.


CRD is responsible for questions regarding the recognition of foreign education. Consultations are offered by email and phone. For smooth and timely application handling, we ask you to kindly contact us only during the consultation hours with questions that are not answered on our website. The information on this website is up-to-date, we encourage you to use the Navigator and go through the Frequently Asked Questions before contacting us.


General CRD phone contact (for questions regarding recognition of qualifications):

00421 02 593 74 923

The line is available only through the consultation hours:

9:00 - 11:30 and 12:30 - 14:00

For initiating email contact, please use the Contact Form below:

 Contact form of the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas