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This is the official website of the Ministry of education, research, development and youth of Slovak republic. Official website of the Ministry can be found at this link.

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  1. Home
  2. Recognition statement

Statement on the recognition of the level of attained education

In this section you will find information on the use of the statement on the recognition of the level of attained foreign education ("Recognition Statement") and a database of issued statements from which you can download an electronic statement for your foreign qualification. The Recognition Statement, pursuant to Section 39a in conjunction with Section 60 of Act No 422/2015 Coll. on the recognition of formal qualifications and on the recognition of professional qualifications, replaces the recognition of the level of attained education attained pursuant to Section 39 and, in part, Section 36 of the Act for the purposes of continuing studies and for other purposes, except for the exercise of regulated professions. Detailed information on the use of the recognition statement can be found on the document itself as well as on the pages below.