Official website SK

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This is the official website of the Ministry of education, research, development and youth of Slovak republic. Official website of the Ministry can be found at this link.

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  1. Home
  2. Specifics
Rules of the recognition of professional qualifications

Institutes, specific procedures and mandatorily published information concerning the Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications

Rules of the recognition of qualifications for further studies

Information on international and bilateral agreements, initiatives and projects concerning the recognition for further studies

Specific procedures for the recognition of professional qualifications obtained in third countries

Information and procedures concerning recognition of professional qualifications obtained in third countries

Issuing of decisions

Information on issuance, delivery and finality of decisions issued by the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas concerning recognition of formal qualifications and professional qualifications in the Slovak Republic


List and references to legislation applicable to recognition and other activities of Centre for Recognition of Diplomas

Information for other recognition centres

References and other useful information on education system of the Slovak Republic for recognition centres in other countries