A degree awarded upon completion of first, second or third level higher education at a recognised higher education institution in the Slovak Republic or abroad.
The rights of professionals in sectoral professions from Member States who have acquired a professional qualification before the so-called reference date (the date from which harmonised training under the Professional Qualifications Directive was provided in the home State). Although their training may not have met the current conditions of the Directive, if they have actually practised the profession in their home Member State and provide evidence of this, their professional qualification may be recognised in another Member State automatically.
One of the forms of compensatory measures for the recognition of evidence of education and professional qualifications for the exercise of a regulated profession. Where there are substantial differences between the training received and the regulated training in the Slovak Republic which cannot be compensated by professional experience, the competent authority may impose an adaptation period of an appropriate length, which represents the exercise of the regulated profession under professional supervision.
Proceedings in accordance with Act No 71/1967 on administrative procedure (Administrative Codex). The Administrative Codex determines the methods of filing, the elements of the process such as the suspension or termination of proceedings, the issuing of a decision and its components in terms of content, the appeal procedure, the legal validity, etc.
Proceedings relating to the recognition of educational qualifications, recognition of professional qualifications, assessment of studies abroad, etc. are administrative proceedings.
Administrative proceedings result in a decision.
The apostille clause verifies the authenticity of a public official's signature on a public document and the authority to issue it, or the authenticity of the official seal used on the document.
It is issued in accordance with the so-called Hague Apostille Convention and is valid in states that have ratified this Convention.
For other States, a more complicated process of super-legalization applies.
Proceedings on appeal or dissent against a decision issued in an administrative procedure. The appeal or dissent shall be lodged with the authority which issued the decision within a specified time limit (usually 15 days according to the Administrative Codex). Information on the time limit for appeal should be included directly in the decision. If this information was not given or was given incorrectly, an appeal may be lodged up to three months from the date of service of the decision.
An appeal may be withdrawn if it has not been decided about. In such a case, it is not possible to appeal againe.
The appeal may be decided directly by the authority which issued the decision or referred to a higher authority, i.e. an appeal body designated by a special regulation or administrative procedure.
One of the forms of compensatory measures for the recognition of evidence of education and professional qualifications for the exercise of a regulated profession. Where there are significant differences between the training received and the regulated training in the Slovak Republic which cannot be compensated by professional experience, the competent authority may impose an aptitude test.
Verification of whether the ongoing study at an educational institution abroad is, in terms of preparation for the future profession, equal in scope and level to the level of study at a secondary or higher education institution in the Slovak Republic, or to a different study which is equivalent to study at a secondary or higher education institution in the Slovak Republic. It is required for authorities in the Slovak Republic, in particular the Labour, Social Affairs and Family Office (for child benefit), health insurance companies (for health insurance), the Social Insurance Institution (for pensions) and employers or tax authorities (for tax bonus).
A document that certifies an electronic signature in the documentary form of an electronic official document. The authorization clause replaces the handwritten signature and/or the stamp on the document which has been produced as an electronic official document.
The authorization clause shall only be included in the so-called paper counterpart, i.e. when the electronic official document is delivered in paper form. It is never delivered to, and cannot be requested from, persons who have activated an electronic mailbox on the Central Public Administration Portal and the electronic official document has been delivered to that mailbox.
The Bologna system is a three-tier system of higher education which the participants in the Bologna process have committed themselves to implement and maintain in their education system.
The Bologna Process, which began with the Bologna Declaration of 1999, laid the foundations for the European Higher Education Area, which is made up of 47 countries (EU and non-EU). All participating countries have agreed to the introduction of:
- a three-tier system of higher education, consisting of a bachelor's degree (1st cycle), a master's degree (2nd cycle) and a doctoral degree (3rd cycle)
- mutual recognition of qualifications and periods of studies abroad completed at other universities
- a quality assurance system for teaching and learning
Delivery of electronic official documents through the administrator of the electronic delivery module, which is the National Agency for Network and Electronic Services (NASES). Centralised official service involves the following:
- electronic official documents directly to the electronic mailbox of persons who have an activated mailbox on the Central Public Administration Portal (www.slovensko.sk) for delivery
- paper copies of electronic official documents by means of the mail of the Slovak Post, a.s.
A document attached to a certified conversion which certifies the authorisation of the electronic official document (in the case of conversion from electronic to paper form) or the original elements of the paper document (in the case of conversion from paper form to electronic form).
Certified conversion is the process of changing an official document from paper to electronic form and vice versa. Certified conversion is carried out by notaries, attorneys and branches of the Slovak Post (IOMO desk).
The conversion to electronic form contains a certification clause and is equivalent to a certified copy of the document in the sense that it confirms that no changes have been made to the scan of the document and that it corresponds to the original. Therefore, if certified copies are required for the paper submission, a certified conversion of the document is required in the case of electronic submission via the Central Public Administration Portal (www.slovensko.sk). Neither your scan of the original nor your scan of the certified true copy replaces the certified conversion.
Conversion into paper form is instead carried out from an electronic document (e.g. an electronic decision issued by a public authority) if you wish to obtain its paper form. It contains a so-called authorisation clause, which contains information on the electronic signature, seal, time stamp, etc.
Also known as a "official" or "notarized" copy, this is a copy made from the original document that has been certified as true (by a process called "vidimation").
In the Slovak Republic, certified copies are issued by:
- notaries (documents in Slovak and foreign languages)
- registry offices (documents in Slovak or Czech language)
- Integrated Service Points (IOMO) at branches of the Slovak Post (through the guaranteed conversion process)
Abroad, a certified copy is issued by:
- consular offices of the Slovak Republic abroad
A certified copy made by a foreign notary may also be accepted. In case of doubt about its authenticity, a higher verification (apostille, superlegalization) of the notary's signature may be requested.
A certified copy can only be made from a document that contains original elements such as a stamp, signature, dry seal, holographic elements, etc. It cannot be created from copies of electronic documents, such as the so-called paper counterpart of an electronic official document, which has been created automatically and does not contain original elements (the signature and stamp are replaced by an authorisation clause).
A document issued together with a qualification document, primarily in the European Higher Education Area, following the model of UNESCO, the European Commission and the Council of Europe (alternatively also as part of a Europass portfolio), which contains relevant information for the assessment and proper understanding of the qualification by the receiving school or employer.
In addition to a full transcript of subjects and examinations, it should contain other relevant information about the qualification and the education system, such as:
the level of the credential in the European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework or the European Qualifications Framework, as appropriate
- information on the issuing and awarding educational institution
- information on final examinations or theses completed
- what the admission requirements were
- what the evidence of formal qualifications entitles to in the context of further study, etc.
The educational institution in the European Higher Education Area should issue you with the supplement automatically and free of charge directly with your diploma. For older or non-European qualifications, a transcript of the records can be requested instead.
A tool for processing administrative fees in the Slovak Republic. All administrative fees we collect are processed in the eKolok system. It is not possible to process any other form of fee (e.g. direct bank transfer, cash).
The eKolok administrative fee payment confirmation can be purchased in the required value at:
- branches of the Slovak Post, a.s.
- at the website https://m.ekolky.gov.sk
- in the eKolok mobile application (AppStore, Google Apps)
Please enclose the administrative fee payment confirmation to the application submitted in paper form (by post, via registry room). It is necessary to include the payment confirmation (with the QR code, specimen), not the cash register receipt or email confirmation.
In case of electronic application submission (via the Central Public Administration Portal) the payment prescription is generated automatically. You may choose to pay it immediately or having it sent to your electronic mailbox at the Portal. It is not necessary to buy and enclose the administrative fee payment confirmation (eKolok) to an electronic application.
A document on education issued in electronic form (with a form of authorisation - e.g. electronic signature) or with a form of trusted online authentication in a national registry or the registry of the issuing institution. A document with an electronic signature must be sent electronically, otherwise it loses its legal force. A document that can be verified from a printed copy can also be sent in paper form. An electronic education document replaces a certified copy or a certified conversion in the processes of recognition of a foreign education document.
An electronic document (e.g. a decision in administrative proceedings) or data filled in according to an electronic form. As a rule, it contains an authorisation (electronic signature or seal, time stamp).
Public authorities deliver electronic official documents in the Slovak Republic by central official delivery (to persons who have an electronic mailbox activated on the Central Public Administration Portal to this mailbox, to other persons by means of the Slovak Post, a.s.)
Persons who do not have a Slovak identification document or who have an address abroad are served with a paper copy of the electronic official document.
Application submitted electronically, via the Central Public Administration Portal (www.slovensko.sk), which is used for electronic communication with the State. An electronic application is submitted using an electronic form, with the prescribed documents for the type of application, such as certified document conversions, uploaded as its attachments.
The electronic submission requires eIDAS, which in the Slovak Republic is an electronic identity document with a chip that has been activated for electronic communication with the State.
Academic Recognition Network Centres in the 55 signatory States of the Lisbon Recognition Convention (ENIC) and in the 27 States of the European Union (NARIC). The activities of the ENIC and NARIC networks overlap to a significant extent. The portal of the ENIC-NARIC networks (https://www.enic-naric.net/) is a signpost to information on individual news as well as links to individual centres, information on education systems, lists of recognised schools and other information.
The Slovak Republic is represented in the network by the Centre for the Recognition of Educational Documents (Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic), which is the ENIC/NARIC National Centre.
An older name used informally for various acts in connection with study abroad, especially for:
- transferring grades from a foreign grading scale to a Slovak grading scale
- assessment of study abroad in terms of preparation for a future profession (assessment of equivalence, assessment of student status)
This term is not currently used in the legal system of the Slovak Republic.
Long-term or continuous exercise of a regulated profession in the territory of a Member State. Unlike temporary and occasional provision of services, establishment always requires recognition of professional qualifications for the exercise of the regulated profession.
The European Education Area (EEA) is an initiative of the European Union (27 countries) to deepen cooperation in the field of education, which, in addition to inclusive and sustainable education, aims to enable learning mobility across the EU without barriers and bureaucratic processes when entering or studying in another Member State or having their results recognised.
The 2018 Council Recommendation on the promotion of automatic mutual recognition of qualifications and the results of study abroad is an important document in terms of recognition of qualifications, which is intended to contribute to the creation of the European Learning Area. The Recommendation requires EU Member States to take measures to ensure that recognition of higher education qualifications or qualifications giving access to higher education is automatic and without an administrative process. This is one of the initiatives to introduce automatic recognition.
The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) was created in 2010 and consists of the 47 Bologna Process countries. The countries are committed to the Bologna Criteria, including the three-tier system of higher education and quality assurance, and are also fulfilling the commitments of the Lisbon Recognition Convention.
Evidence of formal qualification means a document from formal education (secondary school, university) that officially certifies the completion of studies.
In the Slovak Republic, the evidence of formal qualification are certificate with a clause (final elementary school certificate), certificate of final examination or a letter of apprenticeship (vocational certificates), certificate of matriculation examination (access qualification for higher education), graduation diploma (post-secondary non-university) and higher education diploma (higher education of the first, second and third degree) together with certificate of state examinations and diploma supplement.
A foreign evidence of formal qualification is a document comparable to the above documents, i.e. an official final document obtained after graduation in a formal education course.
A clause attached to the decision certifying its legal validity.
When it comes to decision on the recognition of qualifications and professional qualifications, the legal validity clause is not issued automatically, but only at the request of a party to the proceedings.
A State which is a member of the European Union (27 States). In addition, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, which are subject to the same rules on the recognition of professional qualifications through specific agreements, are also recognized by the rules applicable to EU member states.
Older name for the recognition of a educational document, especially for the purpose of further studies. This term is not currently used in the legal system of the Slovak Republic.
A translation made by a certified translator who vouches for its accuracy. A list of such translators in the Slovak Republic is maintained by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic.
In addition to official translation, there is also commercial translation (commissioned translations that are not from a certified translator), or unofficial or own translation.
An application submitted in paper or physical form, in printed or handwritten form. It shall include an application form or the actual form of the application containing the prescribed particulars for the type of application (e.g. name and surname, date of birth, handwritten signature) and the prescribed documentation for the type of procedure, e.g. certified copies, official translations of documents, etc.
The application may be submitted in writing by post or in person (at the Registry Room).
Under the Administrative Codex, a party to proceedings is a person whose rights, legally protected interests or obligations are to be adjudicated or whose rights, legally protected interests or obligations may be directly affected by the decision. In the case of recognition of foreign educational qualifications and professional qualifications, the party to the proceedings is the holder of the educational or professional qualification.
A party may be represented by a power of attorney in proceedings for the recognition of evidence of education or professional qualifications.
A complete period of study (e.g. semester, academic year) that has been successfully completed and can be counted and recognised for the purposes of continuing study.
The set of attained formal educational, professional experience, lifelong learning, examinations and other requirements in terms of professional training that are required by law to practise a regulated profession.
Evidence of professional qualification is:
- evidence of formal qualifications
- evidence of the fulfilment of qualification requirements on the basis of a recognised educational document and of the fulfilment of the other conditions laid down for the exercise of the regulated profession concerned; or
- certificate of professional competence
Title obtained:
- by fulfilling the conditions for practising a regulated profession under a legal regulation (e.g. doctor, nurse)
- completion of professional (lifelong) education
Professional titles are not identical to academic degrees. Only academic degrees can be entered on the identity document.
An international term which in the Slovak legal environment corresponds most closely to the term evidence of formal education. However, it also means its abstract form (the fact that a programme of formal education was completed), rather than just the documentary evidence.
An institution of higher education that is included in the list of educational institutions authorised to provide higher education in the home state or that has received institutional accreditation in the home state. Institutional accreditation does not automatically imply that all programs offered by the higher educated institution are accredited or are higher education programs, but it does demonstrate that the primary condition has been met in terms of quality control of the education provided.
A higher education institution that is legally considered as recognized is:
- a higher education institution which is listed by its home country in the list of recognised higher education institutions (lists of higher education institutions in the European area are available via the portal www.enic-naric.net, in the case of other countries generally on the websites of the ministries responsible for higher education),
- a higher education institution which has been granted institutional accreditation by its home state or by an accreditation agency approved by the authorities of that state in accordance with the regulations of that state.
Informally or as an aid, the following may also be considered a recognized higher education institution:
- a higher education institution which has been included in the list of recognised higher education institutions for the purposes of the assessment of study abroad
- a university listed in the UNESCO World Higher Education Database (https://www.whed.net/home.php)
- a university ranked in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai Ranking, https://www.shanghairanking.com/), QS World University Rankings (https://www.topuniversities.com/) or Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE Ranking, https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings)
Similarly, a recognized secondary school is an educational institution that is authorized to provide secondary education in the state of origin or has institutional accreditation in the home state.
A profession, professional activity or group of professional activities for the exercise of which the fulfilment of the qualification conditions laid down by specific regulations is required, except for a qualification condition which is too general (expressed only by a degree without specifying the field of study or by an overly broad group of unrelated fields of study).
Education which constitutes training for a specific regulated profession and the completion of which constitutes a qualification requirement for that profession under the legislation.
Occupations that have been covered by European Union sectoral directives and are currently under the automatic recognition regime. These professions are architect, doctor of medicine, dental practitioner, nurse, midwife, pharmacist and veterinarian.
Higher authentication of a public official's signature on a public document and of the authorization to issue it, valid in countries that had not ratified the so-called Hague Apostille Convention.
An examination which constitutes a compulsory part of the recognition of the professional qualifications of health professionals acquired in a third country. It has a written, oral and practical part and is conducted in the Slovak language at predetermined universities and secondary schools.
Health professionals from third countries whose qualifications have already been recognised may apply to take the supplementary examination. They shall apply directly to the university or secondary school which has announced the date of the supplementary examination. If there is no date, contact the Ministry at: sudv@minedu.sk.
An institute contained in the Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications which allows anyone who fulfils the conditions for the provision of services under the legislation of another Member State (service provider) to provide the same services temporarily and occasionally on the territory of the Slovak Republic without recognition of professional qualifications. Whether this is still of a temporary and occasional nature (and not establishment) is assessed according to the type of profession, in particular the duration, frequency, regularity and continuity of the provision of services.
Only professionals from Member States shall be allowed to provide services on a temporary or occasional basis. The service provider shall be entitled to temporary registration in the register of the chamber or in another similar organisation in accordance with specific regulations.