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  1. Home
  2. Recognition
  3. Evaluation of ongoing foreign studies (for child benefit, health insurance, tax bonus etc.)

Evaluation of ongoing foreign studies (for child benefit, health insurance, tax bonus etc.)

When to apply for the assessment of foreign studies?

Application for the assesment of foreign studies is submitted in relation with the child benefit and other uses related to student status. The application results in a decision on the equivalence of the studies in terms of preparation for a future profession. The claim itself is then assessed by the competent authority (the Labour, Social Affairs and Family Office, the Social Insurance Institution, the Health Insurance Institution, etc.), to which you submit the decision on the assessment of the study abroad.

You should submit this application:

You should not submit this application:

  • if the study is at primary school (compulsory school attendance)
  • if it is a higher education institution which is on the list of recognised institutions (the competent authority assessing the claim will consult the list of higher education institutions).

Processing times

The processing times for this type of application is up to 1 month. The processing period starts upon receipt of a complete application.

Result of the application and further action

The outcome of this application is a decision on the evaluation of studies abroad. This decision is then presented to the Slovak authorities.

For information on how decisions are delivered, the possibilities of appeal and the legal validity of the decision, see Issuing of decisions




If you are submitting your application in paper form, prepare:

  1. printed and signed application form
    Application for evaluation of ongoing studies abroad
  2. confirmation of studies or confirmation of enrolment (original issue or certified copy)
  3. official translation of the confirmation (unofficial or your own translation from English, German, French, Russian and Hungarian is acceptable)

Translation is not necessary:

  • if the document was issued in Czech

No fees apply to Application for evaluation of ongoing studies abroad.

Complete application needs to be submitted by post or in person to the address:

Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic
Centre for the Recognition of Educational Qualifications
Černyševského 50
851 01  Bratislava
(contacts and office hours)