In this section, you will find a collection of useful information and links pertaining to the Slovak education system that may be useful to the partner national academic recognition information centres.
Education System of the Slovak Republic
Eurydice - single structure primary and lower secondary education (SK/EN)
Eurydice - secondary and post-secondary nontertiary education (SK/EN)
Eurydice - higher education (SK/EN)
Higher education system (part of diploma supplement) (SK/EN)
Recognized Institutions and Study Programmes
List of recognized higher education institutions (SK)
Lists of recognized secondary and primary education institutions (SK)
Framework of higher education study fields in the Slovak Republic (SK)
Database of accredited higher education study programmes (SK/EN)
State education programmes of secondary and primary education (SK)
Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions
SAAVŠ Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education
Accreditation Commission (ceased operations on 1. 1. 2020)
Diploma/Certificate Supplement
Certificate supplement contatining more specific information about the secondary education qualification is issued together with secondary education credentials (vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške, vysvedčenie o záverečnej skúške/výučný list, vysvedčenie o absolventskej skúške/absolventský diplom) from the year 2009 onwards.
National Qualification Framework
SKKR National Qualification Framework (SK)
Competent body to issue apostilles or to legalize the signatures on the original issues of public documents issued in the education sector is the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic.