Recognition of completed foreign education on pursuit of non-regulated profession in the Slovak Republic
Recognition in the context of an unregulated profession
If your profession is not included in the regulated professions database, it is an unregulated profession. This is true also if a regulation sets a too general qualification condition, such as the level of education attained only. By definition, a regulated profession includes a requirement of education in a specific study field or group of study fields, or specific professional training (lifelong learning course, apprenticeship or authorisation examination).
If your profession is unregulated and you are still required to have your qualification recognised, or if you wish to have your foreign education voluntarily recognised for the labour market, you can use any of the variants of the academic recognition process:
- download the recognition clause (confirming the level of education)
- apply for recognition of a higher education degree (without study field comparison)
- apply for recognition of a higher education degree (including study field comparison)
- apply for recognition of a secondary education qualification
Recognition in the context of the EU Blue Card
What is the EU Blue Card
A third-country national may be granted temporary residence in the Slovak Republic on the basis of a Blue Card of the European Union. This makes it easier for third-country nationals with higher professional qualifications to enter the labour market of the Slovak Republic and to perform highly skilled jobs here. The Blue Card for the purpose of highly qualified employment shall be granted by the police department pursuant to Section 37 of Act No 404/2011 Coll. on the Residence of Aliens and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts (hereinafter referred to as the 'Act on the Residence of Aliens'), if there are no grounds for rejecting the application of the third-country national for three years or if the duration of the employment relationship is shorter than three years, the police department shall grant the Blue Card for the duration of the employment relationship extended by 90 days.
What are higher professional qualifications
Higher professional qualification is defined as a qualification proven by a higher education diploma (the method of proof is set out below). A Blue Card applicant must enter into an employment contract with a prospective employer in Slovakia, or obtain a written promise of future employment from that employer.
How to recognise proof of education for the EU Blue Card
Pursuant to Section 38 of the Act on the Residence of Aliens, the application for a Blue Card is accompanied by a decision on the recognition of the third-country national's education document. The procedure is based on the profession the third-country national intends to pursue:
- for a regulated profession, the process of recognition of professional qualifications for the profession concerned shall be followed
- for a non-regulated profession, the process of academic recognition (for further study and other purposes) is applicable