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  1. Home
  2. Recognition
  3. Recognition of professional qualifications
  4. Recognition of evidence of formal qualifications and professional qualifications for regulated professions

Recognition of evidence of formal qualifications and professional qualifications for regulated professions

When to apply for recognition of formal qualifications and professional qualifications?

You submit this application if you want to pursue a regulated profession (a profession listed in the database of regulated professions) in the Slovak Republic and you have acquired your professional qualification, or part of it, abroad.

You do not submit this application in the following cases:

  • you are seeking general recognition of your education (academic recognition or recognition clause applies for other purposes)
  • you do not know the name of the regulated profession (the name must be selected from the database of regulated professions, if the profession is not in the database, it is not regulated and this application does not apply to you)

If you need to navigate between the different types of applications, please use the Navigator.

Processing times

The processing times for this type of application are as follows:

  • teaching, sporting professions - all countries, health professions - Member States only: 3 months
  • health professions - third countries: 2 months (+ 1 month for recognition of professional qualifications after a supplementary examination)
  • other professions - all coutries: 2 months

The processing period starts upon receipt of a complete application.

Result of the application and further action

The outcome of this application is:

  • a decision on the recognition of the educational and professional qualifications (teaching professions - all countries, health professions - Member States only)
  • a decision on the recognition of the evidence of formal qualifications for the pursuit of a regulated profession, allowing registration for a supplementary examination and entry into a temporary professional placement (health professions - third countries)
  • a decision on the recognition of the evidence of formal qualifications (other regulated professions - all countries)

For information on how decisions are delivered, the possibilities of appeal and the legal validity of the decision, see Issuing of decisions




Paper submission is a submission by post or at the registry room of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic at the following address:

Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic
Centre for the Recognition of Educational Qualifications
Černyševského 50
851 01  Bratislava
(contacts and office hours)

Fill out, print and sign the application form:Application for recognition of formal qualifications / professional qualifications for pursuit of regulated profession

If you have a document from a Member State

Enclose the following to the application:

  • power of attorney if you are applying on behalf of another person (enter your details in the 'applicant' section and sign the application, fill in the holder's details in the 'document holder' section)
  • copy of your identity/residence card or passport (if you are the proxy, also of the document holder)
  • copy or certified copy of the evidence of formal qualification or professional qualification (if you submit an ordinary copy, it will have to be certified in your home country; if the certification fails, a certified copy may also be requested later in the process)
  • copy or certified copy of the supplement to the diploma or a complete transcript of the courses and examinations taken (if you submit a plain copy, it will have to be certified in your home State; if verification fails, a certified copy may also be requested later in the process)
  • your own or an official translation of the documents in points 4 and 5 (if you submit your own translation, the data may need to be verified in your home State; if the verification fails, an official translation may also be requested later in the process)

translation is not necessary:

  • if you hold a document issued in Czech or Latin
  • if you hold a professional qualification as a doctor, nurse, dentist, midwife or pharmacist listed in the regulation
  • proof of payment of the administrative fee (eKolok) worth EUR 140 (available at the post office or under the code 2090 in the eKolok mobile app or web app at, proof of payment is a document with a QR code (model)

If you have a document from a third country

Enclose the following to the application:

  • power of attorney if you are applying for another person (please enter your details in the "applicant" section and sign the application form, please fill in the holder's details in the "document holder" section)
  • copy of the identity/residence card or passport (if you are the proxy, also of the document holder), a copy of the temporary shelter document (if applicable)
  • certified copy of the evidence of formal qualification or professional qualification
  • certified copy of the diploma supplement or a complete transcript of courses and examinations taken
  • official translation of the documents in points 4 and 5 (self-translation from English, German, French, Russian and Hungarian is acceptable)

translation is not necessary:

  • if you hold a document issued in Czech or Latin
  • proof of payment of the administrative fee (eKolok) worth EUR 140 (purchased at the post office or under code 2090 in the eKolok mobile app or web app at, proof of payment is a document with a QR code (sample)

If you are submitting an application, please ensure that the post box is properly marked with your name at the contact address given in the application so that you can receive the official mail. Please do not send duplicate applications under any circumstances. An application submitted repeatedly on the same matter will be dealt with by one decision only.

Prepare an activated electronic identity document (OP with chip) and a reader.

Fill out the electronic form at the Central public administration portal ( 

 Electronic form healthcare, education, sports professions  Electronic form other regulated professions

If you have a document from a Member State:

Upload the following as attachments to the electronic form:

  1. your own scan of your identity/residence card or passport (in case of power of attorney, also the scan of the holder's ID document)
  2. your own scan or a certified conversion of the power of attorney if you are applying on behalf of another person (please enter your details in the 'applicant' section, please enter the holder's details in the 'document holder' section)
  3. your own scan or a certified conversion of the evidence of formal education or professional qualification  (if you submit your own scan, it will have to be verified in your home country; if the verification fails, a certified conversion may also be requested later in the process)
  4. your own scan or a certified conversion of a diploma supplement or a complete transcript of courses and examinations taken (if you submit your own scan, it will have to be verified in your home State; if the verification fails, a certified conversion may also be requested later in the process)
  5. your own or official translation of the documents in points 3 and 4 - own scan or certified conversion (if you submit your own translation or your own scan of the official translation, the data may need to be verified in your home country; if the verification fails, an official translation may also be requested later in the process), translation is not necessary:
    • if you hold a document issued in Czech or Latin
    • if you hold a professional qualification as a doctor, nurse, dentist, midwife or pharmacist listed in the
  6. the administrative fee at the reduced electronic rate (pay by credit card when submitting the electronic application or have the payment prescription sent to your electronic mailbox, it is not necessary to purchase an eKolok in advance):
    • 90 EUR education, healthcare, sports professions
    • 35 EUR other regulated professions

Please sign the application electronically before sending. Please do not sign attachments. An attachment signed by you is not equivalent to a certified conversion.

If you have a document from a third country:

Fill in the electronic form on the Central Portal of Public Administration ( and upload as attachments:

  1. your own scan of your identity/residence card or passport (in case of power of attorney, also the scan of the holder's ID document), a copy of the document granting temporary refuge (if applicable)
  2. your own scan or a certified conversion of the power of attorney if you are applying on behalf of another person (please enter your details in the 'applicant' section, fill in the holder's details in the 'document holder' section)
  3. certified conversion of the educational or professional qualification document
  4. certified conversion of a diploma supplement or a complete transcript of courses and examinations taken
  5. official translation of the documents in points 3. and 4. - certified conversion (from English, German, French, Russian and Hungarian, own translation without certified conversion is accepted), translation is not necessary:
    • if you hold a document issued in Czech or Latin
  6. the administrative fee at the reduced electronic rate (pay by credit card when submitting the electronic application or have the payment prescription sent to your electronic mailbox, it is not necessary to purchase an eKolok in advance):
    • 90 EUR education, healthcare, sports professions
    • 35 EUR other regulated professions

Please sign the application electronically before sending. Please do not sign attachments. An attachment signed by you is not equivalent to a certified conversion.