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  1. Home
  2. Recognition statement
  3. Using the recognition statement

Using the recognition statement

Recognition statement replaces the recognition of the level of higher education or upper secondary education, primarilly for the purpose of studies at a higher education institution. It means that it replaces the decision issued pursuant to § 39 and partially pursuant to § 36 of the Act No. 422/2015 Coll. on the recognition of formal qualifications and the recognition of professional qualifications.

The recognition statement was introduced as a form of automatic recognition according to the international commitments of the Slovak Republic that should serve to simplify and expedite the process of recognition for the purpose of further study or other purposes, with the exception of regulated professions.




The recognition statement can be used if you completed higher or upper secondary education (with an access to higher education) abroad and would like to utilize it for further studies in the Slovak Republic or other purposes (i.e. on the labour market), when you need to declare the level of your attained education to the higher education institution or other subject.

The recognition statement confirms only the level of attained education, it does not give right to be accepted into the selected study programme. Level of education is the basic admission requirement, however, you will need to fulfil all the admission condition of the higher education institution and be selected from among the candidates.

The recognition statement can be used only together with the foreign qualification specified in it. It is not possible to apply it to unfinished studies, study periods, or to a degree certificate that has not yet been issued.

The recognition statement does not apply and has no added value in the process of recognition of professional qualifications. If you are trying to gain access to pursuit of a regulated profession in the Slovak Republic and you completed your training abroad, you will need to undergo the process of recognition of professional qualifications for the specific regulated profession. In the process of professional qualifications recognition, other aspects than the level of attained education are taken into the account, and the result of the recognition of professional qualifications may differ from the recognition statement.

Recognition statements are currently publish to 200 most frequent qualifications (diplomas) from 27 EU member states and three non-EU states with a bilateral recognition agreement signed with the Slovak Republic.

If you want to use the statement in paper (printed, physical) form

  1. find your qualification by the state of origin
  2. download the statement in PDF format
  3. print the statement

Statement is valid without the stamp and signature and they will not be added even upon request. For validation, please use the QR code printed on the statement.

If you want to use the statement in electronic form

  1. find your qualification by the state of origin
  2. download the statement in PDF format and send it to the recipient (alternatively, you can just copy and send the link to the statement)

In paper form, you may submit your recognition statement with any of the following:

  • notarized copy of your (degree) certificate
  • original issue of your (degree) certificate for viewing
  • simple copy of your (degree) certificate that has the electronic verification option (via the education institution system, national database of diplomas or graduates, etc.)

In case your document is not electronically verifiable, the recipient may not accept a simple copy and may insist on submitting a notarized copy or original document for viewing.

In electronic form you may submit your recognition statement with any of the following:

  • eDiploma (with electronic signature or verifiable through an education institution database or a national database)
  • certified conversion of the paper document into electronic form
  • scan of a paper document, if it is electronically verifiable (through an education institution database or a national database)