Grade (mark) conversion into the Slovak grading scale (conversion tables)
Information in this article apply to the institutions or persons (citizens and foreigners) who need a conversion of assessment achieved during studies at primary and secondary schools into the Slovak grading scale (sometimes also called "equivalence") for needs related to continuation of studies.
Basic information
The service of issuing an individual document with mark conversion was replaced by publishing the approved conversion scales. The statement will not be issued based on an individually composed application nor by using the previous application forms (application for mark transfer, application for equivalence of foreign studies) which are no longer valid, including their electronical versions published at the Central Government Portal. Submitted applications shall be returned to the sender.
There is no legal requirement for the ministry to issue mark conversions nor for the schools and other institutions to require such document from the student or applicant present in any act of law in the Slovak Republic, therefore, the requirement is not enforcible. The documents containing the mark conversion always had an informative, recommending character and were not a condition for the recognition of a study period nor qualification. However, they were sometimes presented as a blanket requirement for the students and applicants related to various actions in student life, increasing the bureaucracy related to return to Slovakia and entry or transfer into Slovak schools. Besides the required recognition procedure, it was necessary to apply and submit documents to several offices. Recognition of study periods or acceptance into a study programme cannot be conditioned on submitting the ministry statement with the mark conversion.
Conversion Scales
Institutions with legitimate interest may for their own use consult the published Manual of Grade Conversion from Primary and Secondary Schools Abroad (Slovak only). If the conversion scale is not present in the manual, these institutions may ask to have it included. The application for the entry of new conversion scale must include:
- the document with the marks
- official translation into the Slovak language (not necessary in case of a document issued in English, German, French, Russian or Hungarian language)
Application can be submitted by the institution by email, to the address We recommend removing all personal information from the attached documents.
Based on the application, a conversion scale shall be included in the manual, which will also be updated as necessary. The ministry shall issue no more individual documents for individual persons, not even if the applicant is an institution (primary, secondary school or higher education institution).