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  1. Home
  2. Recognition
  3. Academic recognition of qualifications and the level of attained education

Academic recognition of diplomas

Academic recognition or recognition for the continuation of studies means the recognition of previously attained education for the purpose of further studies, or any other purpose with the exception of the practice of regulated professions. The process of recognition for the continuation of studies differs by the level of education and the country of origin. For the countries countries with an international bilateral or multilateral agreement, the process is governed by this agreement.

The competences in the area of academic recognition are as follows:
object of recognition
secondary education
higher education
level of attained education
regional school administration office Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth
education in a specific study field
regional school administration office

higher education institution

Ministry of Interior (police force education)

Ministry of Defense (military education)

časť štúdia school director higher education institution
More information can be found in the articles below. In case something is unclear, you may consult the contacts of the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas, which is the national academic recognition information centre and the ENIC-NARIC network member and will navigate you to the correct recognition procedure.
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Recognition of level of higher education (without study field comparison)

Information on revcognition of level of foreign higher education that does not include study field comparison. Decision applies to further studies and other purposes, with the exception of regulated professions. Service is provided by the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth.

Recognition of higher education qualification (including the study field)

Information on recognition of higher education, including the equivalence of the study field. Decision applies to further studies and other purposes, with the exception of regulated professions. Service is provided by the higher education institutions in Slovakia.

Recognition of secondary education

Information on recognition of secondary education (matriculation certificate, certificate of apprenticeship, certificate of completion of primary school etc.) Decision applies to further studies and other purposes, with the exception of regulated professions. Service is provided by the Regional school administration offices in Slovakia.

Recognition of study periods and unfinished studies

Information on recognition of study periods (study years, semesters etc.) completed abroad at primary, secondary and higher education institutions in Slovakia

Grade (mark) conversion into the Slovak grading scale

Information on grade transfer from foreign classification scales of primary and secondary education into the Slovak grading scales.