Recognition of study periods from foreign universities
The information on this page concerns persons (citizens and foreigners) who are interested in the recognition of part of their studies or the credits obtained abroad in relation with the transfer to a higher education institution in the Slovak Republic.
Recognition of parts of studies (years, semesters) and credits is carried out according to the internal regulations of the university where the applicant submits the results of his/her education from abroad.
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Recognition of parts of studies from foreign primary and secondary schools
The information applies to a pupil of a Slovak school who has completed part of his/her studies, a semester or a year abroad, or who is transferring from a foreign primary or secondary school abroad to a primary or secondary school in the Slovak Republic.
Recognition of part of the studies is carried out on the basis of Act No 245/2008 Coll. on education and training (Education Act) and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts and is decided by the director of the primary and secondary school.
In the case of fulfilling compulsory school attendance at a school abroad, the principal of the parent school in Slovakia decides on the recognition of the year or semester. This is a special method of school attendance under Section 23(b) of the Education Act. A pupil who has a special mode of school attendance pursuant to Section 23(b) and (c) of the School Act may, at the request of the pupil's legal guardian or at the request of a pupil of full age, take a commission examination. In the application, the pupil's legal representative or the adult pupil shall specify the years for which the commission examinations are to be held. The date, content and scope of the board examinations shall be determined by the principal of the school in which the board examinations are to be held not later than 15 days before they are to be held. On the basis of the results of the board examinations, the school shall issue a certificate to the pupil.
A pupil who has not applied to take the board examinations shall take the board examinations after the end of the special mode of school attendance. According to the results of the commission examinations, the head of the school shall place the pupil in the appropriate grade (year).