The Treaty between the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic on the mutual recognition of the equivalence of educational qualifications issued in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic ("the Treaty") is the only bilateral agreement in the field of recognition of educational qualifications signed at the presidential level. The Agreements signed at presidential level take precedence over the national law in the provisions concerning rights and obligations. The Treaty has therefore completely removed the process of academic recognition. Holders of Czech educational documents can therefore use them in the Slovak Republic for all purposes, except for the exercise of a regulated profession, without a recognition process.
The Treaty entered into force on 28 March 2015 in accordance with Article 14 and was published in the Collection of Laws of the Slovak Republic as Notification of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic No. 60/2015 Coll. - Treaty between the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic on the mutual recognition of the equivalence of educational qualifications issued in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic.
According to Article 1, the treaty applies to all graduates of Czech primary, secondary and higher education institutions and for all purposes, except for recognition for the pursuit of regulated professions (health professionals, teachers, regulated trades, etc.)
This means that for all purposes (except for the exercise of a regulated profession), a document of education issued by a Czech university or secondary school is valid in the Slovak Republic automatically, without recognition. In the case of mobility between the Czech and Slovak Republics, the applicant may apply to study at a Slovak or Czech school without having to undergo a process of recognition.
This has also simplified the recording of the degree into the identity document. A graduate can have his or her degree entered on the ID card or passport without recognition of the diploma. He or she can do so directly at the documents department of the District Police Headquarters, under the same conditions as graduates of Slovak higher education institutions.
At the same time, recognition of education cannot be required for the exercise of an unregulated profession, i.e. most professions on the labour market without a statutory qualification for the exercise of the profession.
Scope of the Treaty
In the case of documents acquired on the territory of the Czech Republic, we distinguish the following two periods of acquisition of documents:
- Czechoslovakia (ČSSR and ČSFR) - documents acquired before 31.12.1992 are automatically valid and are not subject to recognition in the successor states; and
- the independent Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic (since 1.1.1993).
The scope of the treaty applies to educational documents acquired on the territory of the independent Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic. The Treaty maintains continuity between the periods before and after the signing of the Treaty and will apply to all documents acquired under the title of the Czech Republic and on the territory of the Czech Republic, i.e. since 1993.