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  1. Home
  2. Specifics
  3. Specific procedures for the recognition of professional qualifications obtained in third countries

Specific procedures for the recognition of professional qualifications obtained in third countries

Recognition of medical professional qualifications acquired on the territory of third countries (all medical professions) is carried out in a two-stage process. In the first stage, the applicant applies to the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic - Centre for the Recognition of Educational Qualifications (CRD) for recognition of the educational qualification. The recognition of education documents shall assess whether the education document was acquired at a state-recognised school and whether the education fulfils the formal requirements of comparability according to the requirements defined in Government Regulation No 296/2010 Coll. on professional competence for the exercise of the health profession, the method of further education of health professionals, the system of specialisation fields and the system of certified work activities.

After the recognition of the educational document, the applicant is obliged to take a supplementary examination at a secondary or higher education institution that provides the same study programme as the one completed in order to verify the actual knowledge of migrants.

A document of professional qualification for the exercise of the health profession issued in a third State shall be automatically recognised as equivalent to a document of professional qualification for the exercise of the health profession issued in the Slovak Republic on the basis of the recognised document of education and the supplementary examination carried out after the recognition of the document of education at a recognised university or a recognised secondary school in the Slovak Republic. Proof of successful completion of the supplementary examination shall be attached to the application for recognition of the professional qualification as a compulsory annex to the application.

How to proceed

  1. The first step is to apply to the CRD for recognition of formal qualifications and professional qualifications for the exercise of the regulated profession. Once you have received a decision on the recognition of the educational document for the exercise of the health regulated profession, you can:
    • apply for a supplementary examination at a university or secondary school in the Slovak Republic
    • take up a temporary professional traineeship
  2. In the second step, after successful completion of all parts of the supplementary examination, you need to send the supplementary examination report to the CRD together with the application for recognition of the professional qualification after the supplementary examination. You will be issued with a decision on the recognition of your professional qualification for independent practice of a regulated profession

Supplementary examination

The dates and content of the supplementary examination for each health profession can be found in the Supplementary Examination section. You must apply for the examination directly at the university or secondary school that has a published date for the supplementary examination (not at the CRD).

Temporary professional traineeship

A person who has a recognised educational qualification to practise a regulated health profession in the Slovak Republic is entitled to undertake a temporary professional traineeship in which he/she practises the profession under the supervision of a qualified person for a maximum period of 18 months. The temporary professional traineeship is not compulsory in the process of recognition of professional qualifications, but it can help a worker with a qualification from a third country to bridge the period of preparation for the supplementary examination and to get directly acquainted with the system. It is also not necessary to complete the full 18 months of the temporary professional traineeship; the candidate can apply for the date of the supplementary examination at any time, regardless of the temporary vocational traineeship.

More information about temporary professional traineeship available on the website of the Ministry of Health.

If you have completed nursing training (nursing) at secondary school level in Ukraine, this education can be recognised in the Slovak Republic for the regulated profession of practical nurse - assistant.

If you have also subsequently completed a bachelor's degree in nursing of at least three years' duration, this can be recognised as a regulated profession of nurse under the compensation mechanism. Before you apply for recognition of your bachelor's degree, you must complete the full process of recognition of professional qualifications for the regulated profession of practical nurse-assistant, including the supplementary examination (the applicant must have a recognised professional qualification pursuant to Section 32 of Act No. 422/2015 Coll. on the recognition of educational qualifications and on the recognition of professional qualifications). Subsequently, she or he applies for recognition of the professional qualification for the profession of nurse.

Information published on the website of the Ministry of Health.

Persons who have completed their education in paediatrics or paediatric medicine in Ukraine or in another third country without prior education in general medicine will be subject to an aptitude examination to compensate for differences in education and training from the following subjects:

  • anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine
  • neurology
  • emergency medicine
  • general medicine
  • medical immunology
  • clinical biochemistry
  • neurosurgery
  • nuclear medicine

Current dates of the examination for paediatricians at the Slovak University of Health Sciences in Bratislava:

  • same as the dates of the supplementary examination for the regulated profession of doctor of medicine (please contact the Slovak University of Health Sciences for the exact dates)

The exam can also be taken in Ukrainian or Russian. Further information (in several languages) is published on the website of the Slovak Medical University.

How to proceed?

If you have a degree in paediatrics (no previous education in general medicine), wish to take the aptitude test for paediatricians and do not have an active procedure at the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic, you must first submit an application for recognition of the professional qualification for the exercise of a regulated profession, on the basis of which a decision on recognition of the diploma will be issued to you with the imposition of the aptitude test.

In your application, please indicate the name of the regulated profession lekár - doctor of medicine (in the Slovak Republic, it is necessary to first acquire the professional qualification of a doctor of medicine, and only then a specialisation, e.g. paediatrics). Please do not indicate the name of the profession as "paediatrician" etc., you will be asked to change the name of the profession in the application and you will delay the processing of the application.

Once you have successfully passed the aptitude test, you will be recognised as having the evidence of formal qualifications to practise the regulated profession of doctor (without specialisation) and you can take up a temporary professional placement (supervised work). To practise the regulated profession of doctor (without specialisation) independently, you will need to pass a supplementary examination.

Once your professional qualification has been recognised on the basis of the supplementary examination, it will be possible to apply to the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic for recognition of your specialisation in paediatrics, or to take up a specialisation course in the Slovak Republic.

More detailed information about the process can also be found in the files below.