What is the supplementary examination and how to proceed?
To apply for the supplementary examination, a decision on the recognition of formal qualifications for the pursuit of a regulated health profession (issued in the Slovak Republic) is required. If you do not already have one, you must first apply for recognition of the formal qualifications and professional qualifications for pursuit of a regulated profession before you can sit the supplementary examination.
The applicant shall apply for the examination by submitting a written application for the supplementary examination at least 30 days before the date of the examination. The application shall be sent directly to the secondary school or higher education institution that has a scheduled examination date (do not send an application for a scheduled examination date to the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth). If there is no date for your profession, please contact us.
Section 18a of Act No. 422/2015 Coll. on the recognition of evidence of education and on the recognition of professional qualifications and amending and supplementing certain regulations and Decree No. 30/2018 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic on the supplementary examination regulate the requirements and procedure for taking the supplementary examination.
The application for the supplementary examination shall include:
- name and surname of the applicant
- address of permanent residence or similar residence
- the name of the regulated profession in the Slovak Republic for the recognition of the professional qualification from which the supplementary examination will be conducted
The application shall be accompanied by:
- a copy of the educational document with a translation into the official language of the Slovak Republic,
- a copy of the decision of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic on the recognition of the educational document (a decision issued by an authority of the Czech Republic or another state is not accepted),
- confirmation of payment of the fee for the services connected with the supplementary examination.
The requirements for the examination for each health profession will be updated as necessary.
Upon successful completion of the supplementary examination, the applicant shall submit an application for recognition of professional qualification (below) to the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic.
Alternatively, you can submit your own application, which will include:
- name and surname of the applicant
- the applicant's permanent or similar residence address
- the applicant's signature
The application shall be accompanied by:
- a certified copy of the supplementary examination report
Application delivery options:
1. by post or in person to the following address:
Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth
Centre for Recognition of Diplomas
Černyševského 50
813 30 Bratislava
(contacts and office hours of the registry room)
2) electronically by submitting a General Agenda application to the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic (persons with an activated electronic mailbox on the Central Portal of Public Administration).
The deadline for processing the application is 1 month.