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  1. Home
  2. Recognition
  3. Academic recognition of qualifications and the level of attained education
  4. Recognition of level of higher education (without study field comparison)

Recognition of level of higher education (without study field comparison)

When to apply for recognition of a higher education degree (without comparison of field of study)?

You apply if you have a foreign higher education degree and you want to continue your studies at a Slovak higher education institution, or if you need recognition of the level of higher education for another purpose.

You do not apply in the following cases:

  • you are applying to practice a regulated profession (a different type of application applies)
  • a recognition statement has been issued for your qualification (please use the recognition statement)
  • you need recognition for further study and other purposes, including the comparison of study field (another type of application applies)

If you need to navigate between the different application types, please use the Navigator.

Processing times

The processing time for this type of application is 1 month. The processing time starts from the receipt of a complete application.

Result of the application and further action

The outcome of the application is a decision on the recognition of the higher education degree.

For information on how decisions are delivered, how to appeal and how the decision becomes final, see the section on Issuing of decisions.


  1. completed application form
     Application for recognition of the level of higher education for further studies and other purposes
  2. power of attorney if you are applying on behalf of another person (enter your details in the 'applicant' section and sign the application, fill in the holder's details in the 'document holder' section)
  3. copy of the identity/residence card or passport, a copy of the temporary shelter document (if applicable)
  4. certified copy of the education document
  5. certified copy of the diploma supplement or a complete transcript of courses and examinations taken
  6. official translation of the documents under 4. and 5. (for documents issued in English, German, French, French, Russian and Hungarian, your own translation will be accepted; translation is not necessary if you hold a document issued in Czech or Latin) 
    proof of payment of the administration fee (eKolok, available at the post office or on the eKolok mobile app or web app at in the amount of
  • EUR 7 if the document is covered by a bilateral agreement (code 1723 in the eKolok app); or
  • EUR 40 if the document is not covered by a bilateral agreement (code 2218 in the eKolok app)

Send the application together with the attachments by post to the following address:

Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic
Centre for Recognition of Diplomas
Černyševského 50
851 01  Bratislava
(contacts and office hours)

If you are submitting an application, please ensure that your post box is properly marked with your name at the contact address given in the application so that you can receive the official mail in reply. Please do not send multiple applications under any circumstances. An application submitted repeatedly on the same matter will be dealt with by one decision only.

Prepare an activated electronic identity document (ID with a chip/eIDAS) and the reader.

Next, please proceed according to whether your document is covered by a bilateral agreement.

If you have a document covered by a bilateral agreement

Fill in the electronic form on the Central Portal of Public Administration ( and as the attachments, upload:

  1. your own scan of your identity/residence card or passport
  2. your own scan or a certified conversion of a power of attorney if you are applying on behalf of another person (enter your details in the 'applicant' section and sign the application, fill in the holder's details in the 'document holder' section)
  3. certified conversion of the evidence of formal qualifications
  4. certified conversion or your own scan of a diploma supplement or a complete transcript of courses and examinations taken
  5. official translation of the documents in points 3. and 4. - certified conversion (from documents issued in English, German, French, Russian and Hungarian languages, own translation is accepted, translation is not necessary if you are the holder of a document issued in Czech or Latin language)
  6. an administration fee at a reduced electronic rate of EUR 3,50 (pay by credit card when submitting the electronic application or have the payment prescription sent to your electronic mailbox, it is not necessary to purchase an eKolok in advance)

Please sign the application electronically before sending. Please do not sign attachments. An attachment signed by you is not equivalent to a certified conversion.

If you have a document that is not covered by a bilateral agreement

Fill in the electronic form on the Central Portal of Public Administration ( and as attachments, upload:

  1. your own scan of your identity/residence card or passport, a copy of the document granting temporary refuge (if applicable)
  2. your own scan or a certified conversion of a power of attorney if you are applying on behalf of another person (enter your details in the 'applicant' section and sign the application, fill in the holder's details in the 'document holder' section)
  3. certified conversion of the evidence of formal qualificaions
  4. certified conversion or your own scan of a diploma supplement or a complete transcript of courses and examinations taken
  5. official translation of the documents in points 3. and 4. - certified conversion (from English, German, French, Russian and Hungarian languages, own translation without certified conversion is accepted, translation is not necessary if you hold a document issued in Czech or Latin language)
  6. a reduced electronic administration fee of EUR 20 (pay by credit card when submitting the electronic application or have the payment prescription sent to your electronic mailbox, no need to purchase an eKolok in advance)

Please sign the application electronically before sending. Please do not sign attachments. An attachment signed by you is not equivalent to a certified conversion.