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  1. Home
  2. FAQ
  3. FAQ Application submission

Frequently asked questions: Application Submission

  1. How do I submit my application in writing (by post or at the Registry Room)? What documents are required?
  2. How do I submit my application electronically? What documents are required?
  3. Can I also apply by email?
  4. Can someone else make the application for me?
  5. Can I also submit the application in person? Do I have to book an appointment? Will I be given a consultation on the spot? Will I also pay the administration fee on the spot?
  6. How do I pay the correct fee? What should I do if I have problems paying the administration fee?

How do I submit my application in writing (by post or at the Registry Room)? What documents are required?

Please follow the type of application. If you do not know what type of application to make, please use the Navigator.

How do I submit my application electronically? What documents are required?

Please follow the procedure according to the type of application. If you do not know what type of application to submit, please use the Navigator.

Can I also apply by email?

As the services of the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas are procedures according to Administrative Codex, submission by email is not acceptable.

The Centre for Recognition of Diplomas applications can be submitted by:

  • electronically via the Central Portal of Public Administration ( with an activated identity document (except for apostille/legalization requests)
  • in writing by post or in person at the office of the competent authority

Can someone else make the application for me?

Yes, but a power of attorney is required, which will include the scope of representation and the personal details of both you and the person making the application on your behalf (the representative). Communication regarding the application will be with the person listed in the applicant section via their contact details.

If you do not provide a letter of authorisation, other persons will not be able to enquire about the status of your application or receive your decision or other correspondence about your application.

A power of attorney is not required for apostille/legalization applications; as long as they have the documents, another person may submit an application for their higher authentication.

Can I also submit the application in person? Do I have to book an appointment? Will I be given a consultation on the spot? Will I also pay the administration fee on the spot?

The application can be submitted in person at the Registry Office at Černyševského 50, 851 01 Bratislava, during office hours. There is no need to book an appointment, but it is just a matter of submitting (delivering) the application. The application will not be processed on the spot and you will not be given on-site consultation.

You are expected to arrive at the Registry Room with a complete application, including the completed application form, required attachments and the administrative fee (eKolok). There is no eKolok dispensing machine (kiosk) in the building, eKolok must be purchased in advance at the branches of Slovak Post a.s., in the mobile or online application and the application must be accompanied by a receipt with a QR code necessary to process the fee. The Registry Room can confirm receipt of the application on the copy of the application brought by you.

Registry staff are not trained to provide information regarding the recognition agenda and will not provide you with professional consultation. If you need advice, please use the contacts at the Centre for the Recognition of Diplomas before submitting your application. In-person consultations are not available at the Centre for the Recognition of Diplomas.

How do I pay the correct fee? What should I do if I have problems paying the administration fee?

Administrative fees must be paid in the eKolok system, which is administered by Slovenská pošta, a.s. The payment of the administrative fee is evidenced by a Certificate of Payment, which can be purchased:

  • at the branches of Slovenská pošta, a.s., where you will indicate the value of the stamp you wish to purchase (valid for 2 years)
  • by searching for the service in the eKolok mobile application (valid for 1 month)
  • by searching for the service in the online application at (valid for 1 month)

Confirmation of payment is a receipt with a QR code (sample). Please do not send cash register receipts and email receipts, a QR code is necessary for the processing of the administrative fee by the filing office.

Please do not send eKolok that is expired or just before expiration. All unused eKoloks can be exchanged for money at the branches of Slovak Post.

If you cannot find the service in the app, try the service code. Centre for Recognition of Diplomas uses the following service codes:

  • code 2090 - for recognition of evidence of formal/professional qualifications to practise a regulated profession in the Slovak Republic, if decided on by the same competent authority (administrative fee of EUR 140)
  • code 6355 - for the recognition of formal qualifications for the purpose of exercising a regulated profession in the Slovak Republic (administrative fee of EUR 70)
  • code 1723 - for academic recognition of an educational document (for continuing studies and other purposes) if the Slovak Republic has concluded an international treaty on mutual recognition of the equivalence of educational documents with the state in which the document was acquired (administrative fee of EUR 7)
  • code 2218 - for academic recognition of an educational document (for continuing studies and other purposes) if the Slovak Republic has not concluded an international treaty on mutual recognition of the equivalence of educational documents with the country in which the document was acquired (administrative fee of EUR 40)
  • code 6356 - for issuance of a confirmation of professional competence to perform regulated professions